About Us

Tara Piatek, Principal
Sam Rotolo Middle School
1501 South Raddant Road
Batavia, IL 60510
Get Directions
Attendance Line: (630) 937-8703
Main Line: (630) 937-8700
Mrs. Tara Piatek
(630) 937-8711
Mr. Adam Lester
Associate Principal for Operations/Athletic Director, 8th Grade Liaison
Ms. Erica Russell
Assistant Principal of Student Services, 6th Grade Liaison
Ms. Carol Dopke
Assistant Principal for Academics, 7th Grade Liaison
Mr. Chris Payton
Assistant Principal for Special Education
Sam Rotolo Middle School is a school of approximately 1,050 students. The school serves students in grades six through eight and is the only middle school in the District.
Academic teams at each grade level provide for instruction in math, science, social studies, language, literature/reading along with a teacher advisory program. An exploratory team provides a full year of physical education for all students and a wide variety of exploratory courses.
Often students and parents do not know whom to see in school for specific information. Here is a list for quick reference:
Main Office: Course fees, Athletics, Activities, and schedule appointments with Principal, Associate Principal and Assistant Principals
Registrar/Counselors: Summer school, scheduling conflicts and academic concerns, schedule appointments with 6th, 7th, 8th grade counselors.
Nurse’s Office: Medical concerns, all medications, PE excuses & physical forms.
Student Services Office: Attendance, Bus information, ID cards, locker jams, discipline questions, and schedule appointments with the Deans of Students.
Main Office Reception: Visitor’s passes, attendance admits, Sign-out log, item drop off