Counseling and Social Work

The RMS counseling department takes pride in bringing Batavia a comprehensive program that is developmentally appropriate for your middle school student. Our counselors are here to work with parents, students, and staff. Please feel free to call or e-mail our counselors with any questions, concerns, or to set up an appointment for you and/or your child.


Counselor/ Social Worker Grade Phone
Julie Webb  6th (630) 937-8884
 Cara Heidgen 7th (630) 937-8721
 Julie Neece 8th (630) 937-8776
 Alantis Tellis 6th-8th (630) 937-8765
 Lauren Carney 6th-8th (630) 937-8778
 Renee Christiansen 6th-8th (630) 937-8732

Frequently Asked Questions

The building seems so big, how will my student be supported?
Counselors arrange a 5th-grade orientation for all incoming students. Students from private schools are invited to join as well.  Upon their arrival at RMS, students are assigned to a team of three to four teachers. This allows for each teacher to get to know your student well. RMS counselors are also here to support your student through classroom lessons, groups, and individual meetings.

I’m a new student to RMS. What can I expect?
Counselors host a day for our new students to come to Rotolo, it is usually held in early August. It is an opportunity to meet other new students and time for your counselor to get to know you. If a student comes later in the school year, he or she will be set up with one to two students as their peer guide(s). Peer guides escort new students to classes, explain lunchroom procedures, sit with them at lunch, and help introduce them to other students. All new students need to know their counselor is here to support them in this transition and will help any way possible.

What do I do if someone is bullying me?
Contact a staff member. You can fill out this bullying form. That will let the Deans know that they need to review the issue.  Any reports of bullying will be investigated by the deans and you will be interviewed for more information. If you need additional support, fill out a Student Services Check In Form which will prompt a member of our student services team to reach out to you. It MUST be reported because if we don’t know about it, we can’t respond.

What if I can not open my locker?
You may come in the building after registration and begin to practice opening your locker. During the first two weeks of school, administrators, teachers, hall monitors, District coordinators, and counselors are in the hallways to help with lockers.  During the school year, there is always a hall monitor or administrator available to open the locker.

Will I be able to choose my classes?
All students take Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Lunch/X-Time. Additionally, students take a variety of exploratory classes. Each student takes PE daily (all year) and several other courses (for 12 weeks). Seventh graders are able to choose which foreign language class they will take (French or Spanish) and a technology course (Computers or Design and Modeling). Eighth graders can choose from about 20 different exploratory classes.

Can I drop a class once I am enrolled?
Students typically can not drop a course once it is in their schedule. If there is an error in your schedule, please see your counselor so that it can be corrected. Occasionally, there are scheduling issues that may arise and these can be considered on a case-by-case basis. Deciding that you do not like the class or are not getting along with your teacher is not a reason for a course to be changed. Please carefully consider the courses you select during registration.

What do I do if I have concerns about an issue in a classroom?
The first step is to talk to your teacher and try to resolve the issue.  If the issue is not resolved, contact your grade-level counselor and explain the situation.






